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職場菜鳥系列 – Email常見的英文簡寫


一年前,小編都係新人,坐係office度咩都唔識. Outlook點用? Email要點寫? 而家一次過話你知!

1. ASAP - As soon as possible 這個很多人都會了,就是盡快的意思

eg. I will contact him ASAP.


2. BTW - By the way 這個也很多人都會了, 順便一提的意思

3. FYI - For your information 給你的這資料,可以拿來參考,並當作文件的內容。

eg. The attached file is for your information please. / Here are the information of this event. FYI.


通常老闆問小編這個活動有多少人報名,小編就會附上一個參加者名單和回他: There are xx participants. The attached file is the participant list of the event and for your information please. 意思是:有xx個參加者.附上的檔案是參加者名單,供你參考. 至於加不加please就看個人喜歡和公司文化了.

4. FYR - For your reference 供你參考的意思

這個和上一個For your information有點像, 但FYR更偏向於供參考/給你看一看的意思

5. For your review/ For your perusal 請查閱的意思

eg. The draft email is prepared for your review. 意思是:你之前叫我寫的那個電子郵件草稿已準備好,請查閱.

6. For your approval 盼予批准的意思

eg. The budget plan of this event is prepared for your approval please. 意思是:這個活動的預算表已經準備好,望批准.

通常這一句都是跟老闆說的,小編會寫"for your approval please".

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